
Navy Grog cocktail

Navy Grog cocktail

FAQ What does grog mean? Grog is an alcoholic liqueur (such as rum) mixed with water and served with lemon juice and sugar. Why did sailors drink rum? The tradition of rum and the sea began in the Caribbean in the 16th century. To keep the crew hydrated, sailors had to store water, beer and

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Sangria cocktail

FAQ Is Sangria an alcohol? Yes, Sangria is alcoholic. It’s a mixed Spanish drink the ingredients of which vary depending on the region. However, it almost all the time includes wine. When should I drink Sangria? Since Sangria can be served both hot and cold, it is a perfect drink for all types of weather.

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Aviation cocktail

Aviation cocktail

FAQ What are the best gin cocktails? If you like a gin cocktail like the Aviation cocktail, we also have a roundup of the 10 best gin cocktails, it’s not official, but we think you’ll find them interesting and worth trying out.

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Pisco Sour

Pisco Sour cocktail

FAQ What makes a Pisco Sour cocktail sour? Sours are traditionally mixed drinks that comprise a liqueur, lemon or lime juice and a sweetener such as simple syrup. What are some popular sour cocktails? The Whiskey Sour, Amaretto Sour, Gin Sour the and New York Sour are all popular drinks in the sour cocktail family.

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Amaretto Sour

Amaretto Sour cocktail

FAQ What makes an Amaretto sour cocktail sour? Sours are traditionally mixed drinks that comprise a liqueur, lemon or lime juice and a sweetener such as simple syrup. What are some popular sour cocktails? The Whiskey Sour, Pisco Sour, the Gin Sour and New York Sour are all popular drinks in the sour cocktail family. What type of drink

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caipiroska cocktail

Caipiroska cocktail

FAQ Is caipiroska a cocktail? Yes, it’s a caipirinha with the Brazilian cachaça substituted for vodka. Are caipiroska vegan? Yes, it contains no animal products, eggs, dairy or gluten. What vodka cocktails are best? If you like a cocktail with vodka in, we also have a roundup of our top ten cocktails with vodka, its

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Espresso Martini

Espresso Martini

FAQ Is there Martini in Espresso Martini? No, there is no Martini as an Espresso Martini doesn’t contain vermouth or gin. Why Espresso Martini has 3 coffee beans? Espresso Martini is traditionally garnished with 3 coffee beans; one for health, one for wealth and one for happiness. How many calories are there in Espresso Martini?

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Porn Star Martini cocktail

Porn Star Martini

FAQ Is a Porn Star Martini actually a Martini? No, it just has the name martini in – curiously many non-martini cocktails have martini in their name. What vodka cocktails are best? If you like a cocktail with vodka in, we also have a roundup of our top ten cocktails with vodka, its not official,

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Gimlet cocktail

Gimlet cocktail

FAQ What are the best gin cocktails? If you like a gin cocktail like this classic Gimlet cocktail we also have a roundup of the 10 best gin cocktails – it’s not official, but we think you’ll find the list quite inspiring!

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