lime juice

Melon Margarita cocktail

Melon Margarita

FAQ What is the difference between a Paloma and Margarita? A Paloma cocktail also uses tequila like a Magarita, but the Paloma cocktail doesn’t contain triple sec and instead uses a grapefruit juice mix. Is a Midori liqueur vegan? Yes, midori liqueur (known as the brand Midori) is suitable for vegans. Is a melon margarita […]

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Kamikaze cocktail

Kamikaze cocktail

FAQ What vodka cocktails are best? If you like a vodka drink like the Kamikaze cocktail, we also have a roundup of our top ten cocktails with vodka, its not official, but we think you’ll find these cocktails are all worth trying.

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Pomegranate Mojito

Pomegranate Mojito

FAQ Is mojito alcoholic? Yes, this pomegranate mojito is alcoholic as it contains rum. Is it mojito or mohito? What’s the correct spelling? Mojito is spelled with a “j” as it is a Spanish word, where  [j] makes [h]  sound. Is a mojito Mexican? No, the Mojito recipe is said to have originated on the territory of

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Paloma cocktail

Paloma cocktail

FAQ What is a Paloma cocktail? A Paloma is a cocktail made with tequila and grapefruit juice. What is the difference between a Paloma and Margarita? A Paloma also uses tequila like a Margarita, but the Paloma cocktail doesn’t contain triple sec and instead uses a grapefruit juice mix. What is the national cocktail of

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Navy Grog cocktail

Navy Grog cocktail

FAQ What does grog mean? Grog is an alcoholic liqueur (such as rum) mixed with water and served with lemon juice and sugar. Why did sailors drink rum? The tradition of rum and the sea began in the Caribbean in the 16th century. To keep the crew hydrated, sailors had to store water, beer and

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